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The Tyr SDK empowers you to seamlessly integrate our campaigns into your application, enabling you to efficiently monetize your audience with ease and effectiveness.
Integration Requirement
Provide Currency Icon And Currency Conversion
For you to integrate the Tyr SDK and to show the user the currency in your own native environment please provide the following details to us.
Currency Icon
A 50x50 icon of your own native currency
Currency Conversion from $1
The value of $1 in your native app currency
If you use Dollars or local currency as your currency Icon and Currency conversion please notify your Tyrads Representative.
Request API key and secret
Before you can integrate and test the SDK with your application, you must request an API key and API secret for your app from our TyrAds Team.
API key is a 32 hexadecimal string
API secret is a 92 hexadecimal string
Example of API key and API secret:
Please be sure to keep your API key and secret secure! Do not share them in emails, chat messages, client-side code, or publicly accessible sites.
If you have accidentally shared an API key and secret publicly, please contact the TyrAds team to revoke it
API key and API secret for integrating SDK are different from the API key and secret for Advertiser API or Publisher API
Receiving Payouts
To be able to receive payouts for the earnings your user generates, please go to the following page for more information:
SDK Platforms
The platforms supported by the Tyr SDK are as follows: